Twenty-eight early-career professionals from youth serving organizations from across Indiana have been selected for the 2018 Journey Fellowship for New Professionals. In response to a growing need to grow the pool of talented new professionals in the field of youth work, this Journey Fellowship was created in 2010 and funded by the Lilly Endowment Inc.
The selected Journey Fellows for New Professionals will embark on an expedition to develop themselves and their careers in youth development. This unique opportunity is meant to support emerging leaders in their quest to get grounded, get connected and get going; making their mark in the field of youth development and making a difference in young people’s lives throughout Indiana.
“This Fellowship is about keeping these young youth workers in the field of youth development and helping them become the newest and best leaders in the field to improve services and programs for young people.” said Tom Plake, Journey Leader.
Each of the twenty-eight participants in the Journey Fellowship for New Professionals will attend a series of residential retreats designed to create new ways of thinking about and practicing youth work within existing systems and youth programs. Fellows are awarded career advancement scholarships, and will be supported to make a difference within their local organizations or communities.
“We know that youth workers play a vital role in the lives of young people. It has been documented in dozens of ways that youth who enjoy positive relationship with adults over time do better in life,” explains Janet Wakefield, Journey Leader. “We also know that many people enter the profession because they ‘want to make a difference’ and they enjoy building positive relationships with young people. The Journey Fellowship for New Professionals provides Indiana’s youth workers greater opportunities to strengthen themselves as leaders and invest in their careers serving the young people of Indiana.”
2018 New Pro Fellows!
The Journey is pleased and honored to announce the 28 Indiana emerging leaders in the field of youth development who have been nominated and selected to be the ninth class of
The Journey Fellowship for New Professionals.
Jarrid Hornsby
Program Coordinator, Youth Encouragement Services
Melissa Hunsberger
Care Coordinator, Stepping Stones, Centerstone
Victoria Nelson
Senior Behavioral Health Technician, Stepping Stones, Centerstone
Zachary Sloffer
Arts Coordinator, Boys and Girls Clubs of Bloomington
Peggy Wang
Guardian Ad Litem and CASA Supervisor, Advocates for Children
Rebecca Wilkins
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Purdue Extension
Jan Smither
Children’s Case Manager, Sheltering Wings
Fort Wayne
Annakarina Freeman
Family Development Specialist, Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth
Micah DeLong
Program Director, uLEAD, Inc.
Bethany Allison
Public Service Librarian, Indianapolis Public Library
Katharin Blodgett
Street Outreach Worker, Outreach, Inc.
Elsa Carodenuto
School Based Therapist, Adult and Child Health
Emma Carter
Psychologist, Adult and Child Health
Andrew Conrad
Senior Youth Development Professional, Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis
Carly Crist
Site Coordinator, John Boner Neighborhood Centers
Richard Dixon
Manager of Outreach and Events, NAMI Indiana
Anthony England
Youth Development Specialist, Adult and Child Health
Shane Hanley
Program Director, Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis
Camille Locke
Program Assistant, Boys and Girls Clubs in Indiana
Maria Ruiz
Youth Development Facilitator, Peace Learning Center
Ashley Turner
Site Director, Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis
Isia Williamson
Education Director, Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis
Samantha Hennegan
Sports Coordinator, YMCA of Greater Louisville
Joseph Deno
Youth Services Supervisor, Bauer Family Resources
Rebecca McVay
Executive Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cass County
Taeyin ChoGlueck
Co-Founder and Creative Director, InterAction Initiative Inc.
Terre Haute
Kati Colvin
Child Care Resource and Referral Outreach Specialist, Chances and Services for Youth
Hannah Fadil
Therapist, Reins and Rainbows